Internal Medicine
- Persistent Pyrexial States
- Severe Malnutrition
- Malignant Diseases
- Malabsorption in G.I Disorders
- Pre and Postoperative conditions.
- Burns
- Accidental trauma
- Fracture of long bones
Dosage & Administration:
Adults: 200 – 800 ml I.V. /day
Children: 0.2- 0.25 gm of Nitrogen/kg body weight
Drip Rate: 15 – 20 Drops initially followed by 30-40 Drops per minute
Recommended Energy Requirements:
Recommended simultaneous calorie supply is 150-200 cal. /gm of Nitrogen
Signs of intolerance and increased renal losses resulting in AMINO ACID
disequilibrium are possible if infusion rate is too high.
- Contraindications:
Cardiac insufficiency, Irreversible liver damage.
Infusion bottle of 200 ml