Pantothenic acid is needed:
- to activate the metabolism, as it participates in the release of energy from basic nutrients and the use of other vitamins, especially vitamin Bâ‚‚,
- to stimulate the work of the adrenal glands, increases the production of cortisone and other adrenal hormones that are important for the skin and nerves,
- to build up cells and develop the central nervous system,
- to synthesize cholesterol, steroids and fatty acids,
- to ensure a healthy digestive system,
- to increase the body’s resistance to stress,
- reduces the toxic effect of many antibiotics,
- protects against premature aging and wrinkles.
There are no recommended amounts for pantothenic acid, but the estimated daily requirement is approximately 6 mg. Pantothenic acid is found in sufficient amounts in foods, and its deficiency occurs only in severe malnutrition. Pantothenic acid-deficient hair graying in mice can be reversed by administering pantothenic acid, but the once-popular idea that pantothenic acid could also restore hair color in humans has not been confirmed.