Peglec a unique combination of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) with electrolytes for Gastro intestinal lavage. Peglec is a fast and effective way to cleanse your colon (intestines) before a colonoscopy. The first bowel movement should occur approximately 1 hour after the start of Peglec adminstration.
Peglec is a prescription medicine for adults and children 6 months of age and older to use before they have a colonoscopy. Use of Peglec in children younger than 2 years of age should be closely monitored for occurrence of possible hypoglycemia. Peglec has proven safety in a wide range of patients, including elderly, diabetic, hypertensive, cardiac and renal patients as well as those with electrolyte imbalances.
Peglec does not contain sodium phosphate, a type of salt found in some bowel preparations. FDA notified healthcare professionals and consumers of reports of acute phosphate nephropathy, a type of acute renal failure, that is a rare, but serious adverse event associated with the use of oral sodium phosphates (OSP) for bowel cleansing.
Available in orange and pineapple flavors.